I had an interesting Facebook Wall conversation not long ago about crazy dreams and possible Freudian interpretations of said dreams. If the giant evil squirrels chasing me had been trying to have sex with me, we may have been more successful in our analysis.
I've always had bizarre, scary, disturbing dreams. Some of the dreams I had as a kid are as vivid in my mind as real memories, sometimes more so. I barely remember my sister cartwheeling through the living room and breaking her collar bone at 8-years-old, but I will never forget that huge green, dripping, blob alien standing in my bedroom door saying, "...beedy, beedy, beedy, beedy." I can still feel how I felt at that moment...absolute terror. That nightmare terror that paralyzes you, preventing you from moving a muscle no matter how hard you try to get up and seek refuge in Mama and Daddy's room. Frozen so that you can't even scream, even with every cell in your body trying to will it so.
I still have dreams like that. Night terrors, I guess you'd call them. No more aliens, though. Now they more often involve someone breaking into my house to kill me or demons swirling around my bedroom. They still create the same physiological response as that alien. That paralysis. Even when I wake up, the physical feeling of the nightmare may have a grip on me for a while. Lucky for Dream Girl here, not all of my vivid dreams are scary. Some are just weird.
Last night was one of those "streams of unconciousness" dream nights, as I like to call them. A lot of random things loosely strung together. Here are a few highlights:
Scene One - The Pregnant Eating Binge. I was pregnant (obviously). Huge-ass, eat everything in sight and don't give a f**k pregnant. In this state, I had gone to one of those fundraising events, like the Chocolate Festival for Komen, where a whole bunch of vendors let everyone eat desserts at their booths. Accompanying/enabling me was my usual partner in these events, Anita. We were eating everything in sight and she just kept bringing me more. I really would like to get my hands on that one particular cookie-brownie combo thing.
Scene Two - The Stray Cat. I don't really remember the setting, but I stumbled upon a very tiny black kitten who was in need of some care. I spent some time in that struggle every animal lover faces at some point. "I can't really take in another pet right now, but I can't leave it to fend for itself. He needs to eat. He needs to see a vet. He needs a bath. He needs...me."
Scene Three - The Snake. This is a very mild version of a recurring snake dream. Usually, the snake is huge. This time it was very, very tiny. Thinner than my pinky finger and only about a foot long. Rather than wrestle it in an attempt to kill it (as I usually do), I carried it around with me a bit before finally deciding to step on its head.
I don't know if dreams really mean anything. I think they probably do. At least for me, they usually seem to be the result of my brain processing emotions, memories, and any random bits of information that have entered my head. Freud probably over-analyzed the meaning of dreams and ascribed more significance than warranted. Even so, I wonder what he would have said about Scene Four....I'm just gonna keep that one to myself.
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